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What is Self Help?

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What is Self Help?

George Carlin on self help:

“I went to the bookstore and asked the salesperson, ‘where’s the self-help section?’ She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.”

This type of reality shock may be a turning point where you discover that you have to depend on you.

The turning point for most of us comes when we realize we can improve our lot in life. The moment we accept that we are not controlled by outside events; rather, we are dominated by your own thoughts and actions.

It is at this point in time that most of us turn to some sort of self help.

Webster defines self help as the action or process of bettering oneself or overcoming one’s problems without the aid of others. Changing ones self.

The Four Types of Self Help.

Self help can be designated as one of four types:

1. The AHA or epiphany moment – where a person has a dramatic moment of absolute clarity and direction. Their life pivots and is never the same.

Like the moment when an alcoholic hits bottom.

It is the instant when a realization impacts your consciousness, and 우리카지노게열 you know that life must change and only you can change it.

It can be a moment when the solution to a problem, you’ve been struggling with, becomes crystal clear. You know without a doubt how to deal with it.

2. One on one help comes when you feel you can no longer handle the situation alone, you can no longer keep everything inside.

You may seek counseling with a psychologist, therapist, or spiritual leader.

Perhaps you simply talk to a confidant such as your best friend.

3. Group interaction. Groups emphasize face to face interaction.
The act or state of solving one’s problems by joining or forming a group designed to help those suffering from a particular problem, such as Alcoholics Anonymous or other twelve step programs.

There are many help programs through community, churches, social groups; or paid groups such as those for weight loss and so forth.

Self help groups are voluntary. They are for the mutual aid and 우리카지노추천 accomplishment of a special purpose. It is a group of peers coming together for common mutual assistance.

4. Individual self help can be accomplished by reading and reeducating your self. You gain clarity into a problem or situation and overcome it by yourself.

It usually involves reading and studying self help books and doing research.

Otherwise know as self improvement, self help refers to the acts of an individual to improve themselves with or without assistance from anyone else.

The term, self help, refers to any measure used to improve mental, physical, financial or spiritual conditions. By means of books or 우리카지노주소 other reference materials.

It is the act of providing help for oneself without assistance from others.

Individual self help emphasizes change done by oneself, like coping with one’s personal or emotional problems without professional help.

I’ve personally participated in all four types. They are all beneficial.

I still attend meetings, conduct individual and group sessions and write self help Ebooks. Don’t limit yourself to any one.

Self help is the acquiring of information for the solving of one’s problems. Those of a psychological nature, without direct supervision of professionals or experts. Independent reading, joining lay groups pertaining to your problem.

Read a book, an article, or take a home study course that offers information or counseling intended to be personally beneficial or profitable IE: self help books.

The best way to bring about change and self improvement is to begin.

Albert Einstein said:
“Nothing happens until something moves.”

The healthy spirit of self help serves to raise people from despair.

It advances them in intelligence, virtue, and spiritual growth.

Four actions you need to take before you set out on the road to self help:
1. Forgive yourself
2. Forgive others
3. Accept yourself
4. Accept others

Samuel Smiles:
“The spirit of self-help is the root of all genuine growth in the individual.”

Jim Rohn:
“If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plans. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.”

Whichever type or types of self help you choose it should:
Be beneficial not harmful
Improve your attitude
Positively change your behavior
Improve your environment
Educate your subconsciousness
Enlighten your consciousness
Include self forgiveness
Bring about self acceptance
Improve your self esteem

John Wooden:
“Remember this, the choices you make in life, make you”


Apply what you learn and make real the life you’ve always dreamed of living.

Too often we limit ourselves. How sad, when we could learn to live extraordinary lives.

We can be happier, healthier, and more prosperous. Find your source(s) of self help and go for it.

C.R. Law:
“Unless you try to do something beyond what you have mastered, you will never grow.”

Copyright C Wee Dilts 2010

Wee Dilts is a counselor, psychologist, metaphysical trainer. A teacher of self improvement for years. She has helped thousands with her Free self help articles and Ebooks on how to change your life. To get Free self help articles visit

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Squirrels are to blame for about 30,000 house fires each year

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id=”mod_15291765″>Squirrels are to blame for 우리카지노계열쿠폰 about 30,000 house fires each year
Amazingly, Squirrels are to blame for about 30,000 house fires each year, causing millions of dollars in damage and has even caused power outages in cities! With summer soon ending and the cooler weather approaching, now is the time to safeguard your family and your house.

The Grey Squirrel is notorious for their destructive chewing behavior and is found in most back yards around the country and is known to invade houses. With their large gnawing incisors they easily can chew large holes through wood, and anything insight is considered a chewing toy to them, including electrical wires!

Where To Find The Squirrels
Squirrels are most often found in attics , but can also be found within the cavities in your walls, they make great nesting places for expecting mothers and is a great place to keep warm in the winter. Squirrels access your home through un-repaired existing holes, damaged wood is easily chewed through, as well as gable vents, soffit screens and fascia board. Squirrels are excellent climbers but often chose attics that are based on convenience, 우리카지노 example: a tree adjacent to the house and they like to keep near their normal home range. The popular choice of entry is any place where an eave meets up against a roof portion of the house, where the roofline meets the fascia, under eaves and in chimneys too. So your first step in securing your house is making sure those area’s are sealed properly and all damaged wood replaced. Keep in mind squirrels are capable of squeezing through small spaces!

If a squirrel invades your home, most likely you will be able to hear them chewing and scurrying about since they weigh about 2 pounds. They are most active during the day and many home owners claim that they have been able to witness the fury creature entering in and out of the home. If you do find you have a squirrel invasion, immediate removal is a must. I would suggest calling a professional, however it is possible for a homeowner to catch and 우리카지노계열 trap the squirrel themselves .

For Do It Yourself Removal:

I would highly suggest you checking out the article,.. Squirrel Control Techniques website

Squirrel Tid Bits
Helpful Tip,…

* Don’t entice squirrels to your yard by offering tasty treats! Squirrels eats nuts and seeds, so keep your bird feeders out of their reach. The also will feed on cat and dog food, plant bulbs, bird egg’s, tomatoes and fruit.

Did You Know,….

* A squirrel shut down part of the New York Stock Exchange twice because it chewed the electric wires!

Squirrel Breaking News,….

Squirrels May Offer Clues to Preserving Organs website

In Closing,..
Luckily I have never had to remove a squirrel out of my house,.. But there’s always that chance,.. So if you have encountered and conquered a squirrel problem please share your story in the comment section,… you might just help someone out!

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4 months ago

This is dumb, do the math: 30,000 squirrel fires per year = 600 per state/year = 50/month/state = about 2 a day in every state. Really? If this were true the fire departments in every town would be notifying everyone, and the insurance companies would be in a uproar.


8 years ago

I trapped 3 before they figured out the trap was a trap. Had 4 living in two different sections of my home. Being a 160 year old home, 우리카지노계열쿠폰 they keep finding/chewing a new way in. I’m tired of the damage & danger not knowing if they will start a fire chewing up old knob & tube wiring. I have a 2 & 4 year old. So I simply got a pellet rifle. I know I’m a terrible person. But seeing how I’ve gotten over 30 of those bastards, & yet still see them outside every day tells me there are a few too many.

My advise is shoot them. Bring the fight to them, & shoot them. They are a rodent & do not breed seasonally. They infest.

Rob Winters

8 years ago

Super Picture (Was still smiling by the time i’d read the entire hub).Never knew they could be so troublesome and potentially dangerous in their activities.Good Advice – Voted Up, Funny (For the Pic), Useful and interesting 🙂


8 years ago from United States of America

I love the little stinkers! Even if they end up burning my house down (or running up my pants leg) I just couldn’t stay mad at them for very long. This was a very informative article AND the picture was great! I voted up 🙂

Kimberly Schimmel

8 years ago from North Carolina, USA

Great picture!

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Stop robocalls from annoying you: Everything you can do right now

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id=”article-body” class=”row” section=”article-body”> AT&T’s Call Protect stops unwanted calls. 

48 best Dining Room - Lighting images on Pinterest | Dining area, Dining room lighting ...Jason Cipriani/CNET Robocalls are about to meet their match. These are the rampant, inconvenient, and sometimes scammy phone calls that convey a prerecorded message and often urge you to do something. For example, roping you into a free trip to the Bahamas that you never applied for, or a call tricking you to give up information to “the IRS”. There were over 58 billion robocalls in 2019 alone, according to YouMail. Now, the US government and leading tech companies are attacking the practice, and there are measures you can take right now.

From the executive side, President Trump recently signed the Traced Act into law, a bipartisan piece of legislation that gives government agencies and law enforcement more power to dismantle robocalls by targeting the perpetrators. 

Specifically, the Traced Act extends the statute of limitations for law enforcement to go after bad actors, increases penalties, and requires phone companies to authenticate calls and determine if the phone number that is calling you is real. For its part, the FCC previously passed a proposal that gives carriers the permission to more aggressively block spam calls. 

On the ground, wireless carrier networks are using SHAKEN/STIR technology to identify and block spam calls, not only on their own respective networks, 우리카지노총판 but between phone providers as well. Apple even added a feature to iOS 13 that lets you thwart all unknown callers from ever ringing your phone. And Google announced that its Call Screen feature will soon begin routing suspected spam calls to Google Assistant before your phone even rings.

It’ll be some time before the FCC’s proposal is implemented, and it’ll take time for the Traced Act to be put into effect across all agencies and phone providers, so don’t expect to see a dramatic decrease in unwanted calls overnight. 

Keep in mind, too, that not every automated solicitation call counts as illegal. Calls from political campaigns, debt collectors and charities are all permissible. What’s not allowed are the calls from the fake IRS agents or the companies that claim you won a free vacation that you never signed up for.

While it’s not possible to entirely end robocalls from reaching your phone, there are some steps you can take to reduce the number of calls you receive.

Now playing: Watch this: How to stop robocalls 2:42 Best practices to keep annoying robocalls at bay

According to the FCC, 우리카지노총판 there are some easy steps you can take to help reduce robocalls:

Don’t answer calls from blocked or unknown numbers.

Don’t answer calls from numbers you don’t recognize.

Just because an incoming call appears to be from a local number, doesn’t mean it is. 

Don’t respond to any questions that can be answered with a “Yes.”

If someone calls you and claims to be with XYZ company, hang up and call the company yourself. Use the company’s website to find an official number.

If you do answer a call and hear a recording such as “Hello, can you hear me?” just hang up.

The same goes for a call where you’re asked to press a number before being connected to a representative.
When you answer a call and 우리카지노추천 interact with the voice prompt or 우리카지노먹튀 by pressing a number, it lets the spammer know your number is real. They can then sell your number to another company, or begin targeting your number more frequently.

Apple promises to soon lock robocalls out of your iPhone.

Josh Miller/CNET When it first launched, Google’s Call Screen feature arguably went against the FCC’s advice by answering and interacting with the robocall on your behalf. However, Google added new features to Call Screen for its Pixel phone lineup. The new features include the ability to detect robo- and spam calls, then stop them from ever reaching your phone. Google Assistant will interact with the caller, and if it ends up the call is legitimate, it will route the call to your phone along with information about the caller.

Apple’s iOS 13 added plenty of new features, including Silence Unknown Callers, which adds the option to route calls from unknown numbers straight to voicemail. With the feature turned on, Siri will allow calls from numbers found in Contacts, Mail, and Messages to go through. Anything else will go to voicemail, and assuming the caller is legit, they can leave a message. And that’s the rub — we often receive important calls from numbers we don’t store on our phones, and ultimately, you could miss important calls. But if all else fails and you’re desperate to stop robocalls, this is a valid option. 

If you find yourself receiving a lot of spam text messages, you can forward the message to the number 7726 (spells SPAM). It won’t block the number from texting you right away, but it will allow your carrier to look into where it came from and put an end to it.

Call screening is part of the Pixel 3.

Sarah Tew/CNET Check with your provider
All four major wireless carriers offer some sort of call blocking feature to customers. Some are free, while others charge for something that should be free. 

AT&T’s Call Protect app is available for iOS and Android. The free version blocks calls from “likely fraudsters” and labels telemarketing calls. You can add numbers to a block list in the app, as well. The paid version provides caller ID for unknown numbers and offers mobile security features that are unrelated to robocalls. The premium version of Call Protect costs $3.99 per month.

Verizon’s Call Filter app is automatically enabled for Android users on a postpaid plan. The service offers spam detection, a spam filter, and the option to report numbers for free. You can pay $2.99 a month (or $7.99 a month for three or more lines of service) for caller ID, spam lookup, and a personal block and spam list. Call Filter is built into most Android devices out of the box (which you’ve probably been prompted about) but is also available in the App Store for iOS users.

T-Mobile’s Scam ID is free to all customers and includes Scam Block. The ID portion of the service will alert you that an incoming call is likely spam, while Scam Block will block the call from ever reaching your phone. You need to activate the Block feature, either through the Scam Block app or by dialing #662# from your phone. You can pay $4 for Name ID to see the names of incoming callers.

Sprint’s Call Screener Basic recently launched, with the company finally offering a free solution for its subscribers.  The free version will display “Spam Caller” for potential incoming spam calls, and will also block “highest-risk” spam calls, and provide business caller ID. The Premium version costs $3 a month and 우리카지노추천 adds more labels for robocalls, caller ID for incoming calls, display’s name for text messages on Android, and a few more options you can read about here. 
Check with your wireless provider to see if they offer a similar service.

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Finishing a Latex Mask

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Making a latex mask seems easy, but it requires time and patience. You pour the liquid latex rubber inside the plaster mold, swish it around well and then leave it for some time. Then the liquid latex is poured out leaving a thin film behind. The process is repeated a number of times, until the desired thickness of latex rubber builds up. The cast is allowed to set properly for 우리카지노계열 a day before being demolded by carefully pulling out the latex. The thin skin mask is further cured for another day or so.

Going ahead, the detailing and 우리카지노계열 finishing the mask should be relatively simple. Yet again, you have to be particularly careful as you cut off the tiny flaps of extra latex formed at the seam lines. Use a sharp scissors for the job. Slowly smooth out the mask by removing any lingering bits of latex on the mask. The patches and seams are worked to render an even effect on the mask.

You will notice that the opening in the mask at the bottom looks quite narrow. While latex rubber is inherently flexible, the mask is likely to tear if you try to pull it over your head! It is better to make a small slit at the back to allow your head to slip inside easily. While at it, cut out small holes for the eyes as well.

Painting the mask

Painting on latex is not easy again. Regular paints will tend to crack or chip as they dry on the flexible latex surface. However, there are other painting options such as:

A blend of oil paint with rubber cement

A blend of acrylic paint with liquid latex

Blending specialized latex pigments with liquid latex
The paint and 우리카지노 cement/latex are generally mixed in a 1:1 ratio. The mix ratio can be adjusted to gain the desired consistency. If using pigments, just a few drops of the concentrate will do. If using an airbrush, the blend is diluted with distilled water, ammonia or a solvent thinner to create a sprayable mix. Remember to wear a protective face mask when working with ammonia.

Painting manually with a brush requires a lot of care to blend the colors, remove the brush strokes and keep lumps from spoiling the mask. Some artists even use makeup sponges to get the desired effect. But using an airbrush is infinitely easier.

The painting begins with a base coat. If needed, 우리카지노쿠폰 the vein lines are painted before the base coat. As you paint subsequent coats, aim for a translucent flesh tone complete with freckles and wrinkles.

Finally, the latex mask has to be sealed with a flexible transparent sealant to settle the paint and keep it from wearing off. Dusting translucent face powder is also a handy option. Add eyebrows and other facial hair (as needed) and the latex mask is ready for 우리카지노쿠폰 use.

The author, Aarron Barry is an enthusiastic writer who loves writing on creativity; art likes topic and attention the detail. Through this article he shared his valuable information on latex mask , latex rubber or two part molds. Want to know more about those topics, visit the website.

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Use of Rhymes In Song Lyrics

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A song is a blend of lot of things being played together. For instance it’s not a single person who creates a song because songs are based upon many things, like melodies, rhythm and lyrics.

People think that to write a song lyrics, a person should be well educated in the field of music or should have undergone years of training but writing lyrics is less of a teaching or learning task and more of a creative vision. A creative person can also create song lyrics out of a normal two person conversation, it all about how well you realize the things happening around you. The most inspiring lyricists are always taking ideas by observing their surroundings. It could be anything an old magazine, a television show or may be a post card. It is very much essential for lyricists to put statements and 카니발카지노 stories in way that they fit with melodies. As we all know a song is sung not said or told, 카니발카지노 so you should always write lyrics in a way that it could be sung.

While writing lyrics of a song you would always want a set of rhyming words to give good and similar sounding finish to your lines. But you should always try and 포유카지노 be more natural in the flow of your lyrics, as at times pushy rhyming words would reflect a poor sense of creativity. Now as we know that lyrics must rhyme in order to create a good effect, it not necessary that every line of your lyrics should have a rhyming word. Instead you can make couples of lines rhyme and let other lines be unrhymed. Or else it would look as if you have pushed the rhyming words unnecessarily. Also you should understand that writing the lyrics of a song is not a one day task, so never try and finish off your song in one single shot. It takes lot of observation and vision to create lyrics and is practically impossible to do it in one shot. What you can do is write down lines coming to your mind every day, slowly and gradually you will see your lyrics being developed.

For better results you can make writing lyrics a daily habit as it would enhance your skills. Also as technology has advanced you would also find much software that would help and guise you in writing lyrics of your song. Try and stay active and innovative to fetch the best out of you.

If you need us then send an e mail.