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Alexandr Balandin, SR: Very smooth forward swinging skills to begin — double front pike, double front tuck. Planche. Front double pike with a fairly big hop. 16.433.
Lauren Mitchell, UB: Hecht mount, toe stalder two.5 to Jaeger. Toe full to bail to Beam. Overbalances toe stalder and falls out of. Well, it was much better vs training before. Toe blind to double front, pulled within a consulting Korean study abroad little and was near hitting health benefits bar using the dismount. Closer than you want, in truth. 12.966.
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Zhang Chenglong, HB: Falls away from Tak half in a highly flukey choice. Layout Tkatchev to hope 1.5. Cash stalderwork, inbar stuff, while a layout Jaeger. Piked down his double double layout in the air, making a modification that allowed him to understand du học hàn quốc là học những gì – click here to read – around with a decent clinching. Not the routine in the place of world champion, alas.
It is amazing what the success of capitalism has done for China, but interesting that might back track on from embarrassment now and issue price controls for food to be to curb inflation, compared to move in order to some currency go. China stated that 80% of its inflation has come from increasing of food costs, but why? Polluted fields, rivers and dead zones off the coast preventing fish form. Rice and Fish are huge veggies and fruits. Price controls develop the opposite effect that free-markets have on efficiency, will anyone ever learn. Quick fixes won’t work and China always be float their currency still, that cliff is moving fast along with economy will still be quite fragile indeed.
Lauren Mitchell, FX: Whip to Arabian double front, not enough rotation and really, really fights in order to sit down, taking a true deduction while doing so, but she does remain on her ankle. Save of the day! Full in pike, step forwards. Sit spin. 2.5 to front layout. Switch ring to Tourjete top notch. Nice double pike to end. Well, she really went for hard things, realizing that she go to study abroad in korea needs attempt that whip Arabian double out upon the podium.
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