Apricot Jam Formula with Waterbath Canning directions

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Apricot Jam Formula with Waterbath Canning directions

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This Apricot Jam recipe yields about 5 pints. If you wish to do more at the same time make two single batches in two pots. Jam meals don’t double quickly.
Apricot jam can be processed safely in a Drinking water Bath Canner
Wash your apricots.
Place a spoon in the freezer. (yes you will need a cold spoon later.)
The next step is actually optional. Some folks keep peels on when making apricot jam… some take it off. I remove my skins nonetheless it is not needed. Everything depends on your selected texture when the jam is done. If you want to remove the skins it is just like peeling peaches. Blanch your apricots to eliminate the skins.
Dip apricots right into a pot of boiling water for 2 a few minutes. I use a blancher. After that take away the apricots to a sink or bowl with cool water or snow water. This stops the cooking. Slip the skins off. If your apricots are nice and ripe the skins will very easily side off. If they are still a little green you may need to use a blade to help them slice the apricots in half and remove the pit.
When you yourself have 2 quarts of apricots peeled and low carb keto strawberry shortcake pitted,combine it with lemon juice and sugars in a large pot.
It sure looks like a lot of glucose…. uhm that’s since it Will be a lot of sugar! Stir before sugar dissolves.
Turn on heat and provide to a boil. Stirring often to avoid scorching. Cook quickly to the gelling stage. I’ll work with a potato masher to greatly help mash in the fruit.
You can tell when the jam has reached the gelling point by taking your cool spoon and scooping up a bit of jam. The jam will great quickly. Let it cool and tilt the spoon so the jam drips off. If it’s still runny simply cook a little bit much longer. The jam ought to be thickened.
Another (probably less difficult) way to inform if you’re jam is ready is by temperature. First you’ll need to figure out the gelling point for the elevation.
Determine the boiling point temperature by keeping a candy thermometer in boiling water. Add 8 degrees. That is your gelling point. This means it’s the stage where the jam will setup perfectly!
When your jam has already reached this temperature it really is ready. Remove it from the heat.
Pour hot jam into hot jars. Leave a 1/4 in . head space. Clean the rims clean from any stickiness. If any jam is in the rims it may hinder the lid closing to the jar.
Place the lids on increase your screw rings and process.
above 6000 feet process quarter-hour
Please note, in the event that you process for less than ten minutes your jars ought to be sterilized. I don’t desire the added stage so I elect to procedure for 10 minutes or more. Find sterilizing jars
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