Walkerbay Estonia.

Maarten H van Gent , born in Rotterdam in the Netherland  and living in Estonia.
Maarten is the owner of Walkerbay Estonia OU in Estonia.
Maarten was in the past the coach of the national men basketball teams of Estonia and  the Netherlands.
He was and is  a very enthusiastic sailor for all over his life.
When he had his sailing boat in Spain at Mallorca , he bought as a dingy, a walkerbay 10 with the sailing kit.
Years later he decided to import  the walkerbay boats into Estonia.
There are a lot of lakes in Estonia  and almost 2/3 of the country is surrounded by the sea.
The boats from Walkerbay are very light and strong and easy to transport on the top of any personal car.
It is the best boat for learning how to sail, if you also have the inflatable tube around the boat, which makes it impossible to capsize.
With the tube the boat is ready for a 6hp motor.

The boats can be bought and seen around the lake of Porkuni.
Maarten,  or one of his sons will give free sailing lessons if you will buy a boat.


If you need us then send an e mail.